Friday, January 2, 2009

This and That

I was able to clear my plate of several things at year's end and am looking to a fresh start to the new year. 

My job is still going really well and I'm very happy with the decision I made to join Art & Logic. I've learned so much over the past half year and see that continuing into the new year. A project I completed for M Financial Group is now featured on our website as it was the first native Blackberry application completed by our company. My current project is for the iPhone and should be completed early this year.

I finally completed the algebra book I started earlier this year. I have a bad habit of not quitting books I've started, even if I've decided they aren't that interesting or helpful. I probably didn't need to go through this whole book as it was pretty basic stuff. But it was a good refresher and a confidence booster that I haven't forgotten all of the math I've ever learned. The next math book I'm planning to tackle is Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra, which I know will be more challenging and should provide more value.

My brother asked for some updates to this program, namely the ability to save application session state. So I am going to add an sqlite backend to add the ability to save/reload the program data and hopefully refactor the code a little bit. I've switched over to a Macbook as my primary development machine and finally got all of the software downloaded/installed to my VirtualBox Windows image for this project. I had been using Eclipse's CDT plugin to develop this app but I'm going to switch over to Visual Studio Express since it's free.

Code Kata
I am going to write a post in the near future about how I'm planning on starting this development practice.

I set a goal to write a post on this blog at least once a month this year. But I'm going to try and do more than that if I can.

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