Wednesday, June 15, 2011

30 Days to Success

This week Apple approved my iPhone app 30 Days to Success, which is an application based on Steve Pavlina's article of the same name.

I've had the idea for this app for several years now and actually developed a prototype 2 years ago. I emailed Steve to see if he would be interested in the app but he declined. So I dropped the idea not wanting to infringe on his copyrights.

But late last year Steve released all copyrights to his online content so I decided to start the project back up.

Back in the prototype phase, I had created my own hideous calendar UI. After stopping work on the project, I ran across the Kal library when doing some estimates at my day job and and knew that was something I would have to integrate. So with a better looking UI and some updates to integrate Facebook and Twitter, I thought I had something that was worthy of release. There are a couple of things I'm still not happy with but I will fix them over time.

I'm not expecting too much income from the app although I'm hoping to make a little bit of passive income off of it in the long run. I think I have a couple of things going for me:
- I can take advantage of Steve Pavlina's already large audience.
- Integration of Facebook and Twitter will put the app in front of a lot more eyes.
- I'm planning some other social features that should encourage current users to get others involved with the app.

I had one sale the first day and two sales the second day. Assuming this exponential growth rate continues, I'll be at a million sales in no time :)

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