Thursday, June 16, 2011

Software project ideas

While testing my new iPhone app, I completed a 7-day trial to brainstorm three new mobile app ideas per day. When Apple says "there's an app for that" they're not kidding. Coming up with an original idea is pretty close to impossible. I wasn't limiting myself to original ideas and even searched the the app store to see if there were any ideas I could improve on. But any simple ideas have likely been done.

For example, on the weekend of my trial, Max and I camped out at my in-laws and we toasted marshmallows. "Aha!" I thought. That would be a good gimmicky app (I was going for quantity here, not quality). Searching for marshmallow on the app store didn't turn up anything. But the next day it hit me I didn't search for s'mores and sure enough...there's an app for that.

I did think of a couple of apps that don't seem to be in the store but they would require nice graphics and I'm not looking to do anything where I'd have to hire someone to do that work.

By far the ideas I thought were best were apps for existing companies/entities to supplement their current offerings. I have several ideas now for apps for local businesses/friends . When I get some free time I'm definitely planning on approaching some people to see if they're interested.

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